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A finales del siglo XIX, el mito de los anunnakis comenzó a florecer. Las expediciones arqueológicas en Iraq de 1872 derivaron en el descubrimiento del palacio de Asurbanipal, unas ruinas perdidas en cuyo interior se hallaron miles de tablillas de escritura cuneiforme pertenecientes a la civilización sumeria, la más antigua civilización humana.
El desciframiento de los grabados realizado por el asiriólogo inglés George Smith dio voz a un pueblo que alrededor del año 3500 a.C. se asentó al sur de Mesopotamia para empezar a escribir una nueva era de la humanidad. Y una de las grandes revelaciones fue el culto a unas deidades. Unos dioses del panteón sumerio descritos como unos entes que descendieron de los cielos para determinar el destino de la humanidad. Los "hijos del cielo y de la tierra". Los anunnaki.
Y el que parecía ser un hallazgo relevante solo dentro de la comunidad arqueológica terminó por convertirse en un fenómeno mediático y cultural cuando mucho tiempo después, en la década de los 50, un hombre llamado Zecharia Sitchin, alegando haber traducido tablillas sumerias perdidas, presentó el mito de los dioses astronautas. Afirmando que los anunnaki fueron visitantes de otro mundo, un paraje llamado Nibiru, que llegaron a la Tierra para crear a los seres humanos y decidir nuestro porvenir. Se acababa de poner la semilla de un relato que pretendía reescribir todo cuanto creíamos conocer sobre nuestros orígenes.
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00:00 - Capítulo I: La biblioteca del palacio perdido
10:32 - Capítulo II: La batalla de los Anunnaki
25:13 - Capítulo III: El misterio del Planeta 9
The True Origin of Yahweh: From Anunnaki to the God of the Bible
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In the vast collection of gods and supernatural beings in human beliefs, the name 'Yahweh', the god of the Bible, stands out and has been remembered for many centuries. Why is this name so influential and deep? Could Yahweh have ties to the Anunnaki that we don't know about?
Today, we're stepping into the maze of the past, trying to understand the mystery surrounding one of the most powerful figures in the history of human religion - Yahweh. But who is he really? Is he an all-powerful god that is worshipped by religions that come from Abraham? And if not, who or what could Yahweh really be?
The holy books of Abraham's followers tell us about a god who seems to run a grand show in the cosmos. This god creates the universe, stars, animals, plants, people, and everything we know. This all-powerful Maker often goes by the name Yahweh in these texts. This name isn't just a tag, it's like a door that lets us see how people's ideas of god have changed over time. It represents our never-ending quest to understand the universe and our place in it. The name Yahweh has had a big effect on our shared history, shaping societies, influencing customs, and guiding the story of humanity.
Looking closely at Yahweh is more than just studying. It's like going on a trip into the heart of our culture, trying to understand our shared past. But what does this mean for our understanding of divinity? What mysteries might we uncover about our origins?
This trip takes us back to where civilization first started, in the ancient Near East. Could this be where the name Yahweh first emerged? Here, we start to dig into a fascinating and complex story.
Interestingly, this trip to the Near East brings us face-to-face with the Anunnaki, who were gods in ancient Mesopotamian myths. And as you might know, not only. These gods played a big role in stories about the world's creation and were worshipped by the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. But could there be a link between these ancient gods and Yahweh? Is it possible that Yahweh grew out of, or even came from, these Anunnaki?
Finding these answers lets us uncover a hidden layer of ancient stories, changing how we understand the beginning of humans. There's an even older story hidden in the Genesis text that has been kept out of public view for hundreds of years because of translation mistakes and the rules of the Church. But what is this ancient tale trying to tell us? By the end of this journey, we hope to answer the big question: Who is Yahweh, the god in the Bible? And what implications does this have for our understanding of religion and spirituality?
Our oldest reference to Yahweh is found on the Moabite Stone, or the Mesha Stele, erected by King Mesha of Moab around 840 BCE, celebrating his victory over Israel. The stele recounts a story similar to that found in 2 Kings 3, albeit with one crucial difference: the stele proclaims a Moab victory, while the Bible claims victory for Israel. Interestingly, the reference to Yahweh reinforced the belief that he was exclusively an Israelite deity, as Mesha brags about seizing objects associated with Yahweh and presenting them to his own god, Kemosh.
Fast forward to 1844 when archaeologist Karl Richard Lepsius excavated the ruins of the ancient city of Soleb in Nubia. Extensive excavations wouldn't take place until 1957, led by archaeologist Michela Schiff Giorgini. They found a reference to a group known as the "Shasu of Yahweh" inscribed at the base of one of the temple's columns. This reference to Yahweh, connected to the Shasu, suggested that this god had been worshipped by another group long before the biblical narratives are thought to have occurred.
The Egyptians described the Shasu as Semitic nomads, often viewed as outlaws. While attempts were made to connect them with the Hebrews, these claims were rebutted. The reference to the Shasu of Yahweh not only pushes the origins of this deity further back than previously thought but also insinuates that Yahweh might not have been Canaanite in origin. But if not, then what’s the origin of the first Yahweh?
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@UAMNTV Courtesy of Portal to Ascension , in partnership with The UFOlogy World Congress - Linda Moulton Howe interviews Marina, a Starseed human hybrid who has had contact with extraterrestrial beings since the age of six. Marina describes her many encounters with these beings and understanding of her place here on Earth. Are some humans placed here on our planet as hybrids and if so, what are their duties, why are they here? Linda Moulton Howe dives straight into it and asks some very important questions.
Just added ( December 15, 2022) an hour long presentation by Martina Sere, the Anunnaki Hybrid - - A MUST WATCH!!!
Follow Linda’s work @earthfiles
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¡Bienvenidos a El Historiador Antiguo! En este video, exploramos los fascinantes misterios y relatos en torno a los Anunnakis, una de las figuras más enigmáticas y debatidas en la mitología sumeria. 🌍 Estos seres, considerados dioses o entidades superiores por las antiguas civilizaciones mesopotámicas, han capturado la imaginación de historiadores, arqueólogos y entusiastas de lo paranormal durante siglos.
🌟 ¿Quiénes eran los Anunnakis?
Los Anunnakis, según los textos sumerios, eran dioses poderosos que descendieron del cielo para gobernar la Tierra. Eran parte del panteón sumerio, y su nombre se traduce como "los descendidos" o "los de sangre real". Exploraremos sus orígenes, sus roles en la creación del hombre, y cómo se relacionaban con los mortales.
🔍 El Enigma de la Creación:
Una de las historias más fascinantes es cómo los Anunnakis habrían participado en la creación de la humanidad. Según algunas interpretaciones de los antiguos textos, los Anunnakis habrían manipulado genéticamente a los humanos para utilizarlos como trabajadores en la extracción de recursos. ¿Podría ser esta una evidencia de contacto extraterrestre en la antigüedad?
⚔️ Mitos y Leyendas de Poder:
Los Anunnakis no solo eran responsables de la creación, sino que también desempeñaban roles clave en las historias de poder y conflicto en la mitología sumeria. Desde luchas por la supremacía entre ellos, hasta su influencia en los asuntos humanos, estos relatos nos ofrecen una visión de cómo los antiguos sumerios entendían el universo y el lugar de los dioses en él.
🌌 Teorías y Misterios Modernos:
En tiempos modernos, los Anunnakis han sido objeto de numerosas teorías que los vinculan con la visita de extraterrestres a la Tierra en la antigüedad. Exploraremos algunas de estas teorías, que sugieren que los Anunnakis eran visitantes de otro planeta, y cómo estas ideas han influido en la cultura popular y en la forma en que interpretamos los mitos antiguos.
📜 Legado en la Historia y la Cultura:
El legado de los Anunnakis ha perdurado a lo largo de los siglos, influyendo en la mitología, la religión y la historia de las civilizaciones que sucedieron a los sumerios. Su impacto se puede ver en textos antiguos, artefactos arqueológicos y las creencias que perduran hasta nuestros días.
Este video te llevará a través de los mitos y misterios que rodean a los Anunnakis, desafiando lo que sabemos sobre la historia antigua y abriendo un debate sobre la verdadera naturaleza de estos seres y su posible conexión con el universo.
🔔 ¡Suscríbete a "El Historiador Antiguo"! No te pierdas la oportunidad de descubrir más sobre los misterios y leyendas de los Anunnakis. Haz clic en el botón de suscripción y activa la campanita para recibir notificaciones de nuestros próximos videos. ¡Únete a nuestra comunidad de amantes de la historia y lo desconocido, y explora los relatos que han desconcertado a la humanidad durante milenios! 🌟
¡Mira el video ahora y sumérgete en las historias y teorías más fascinantes sobre los Anunnakis y su impacto en la historia antigua! 👽🌍📜
Bu videoda, Sümer tabletlerinde bahsedilen Anunakilerin kim olduğunu, neden dünyaya geldiklerini, insanlığın yaratılışına nasıl katkıda bulunduklarını ve sonraki dinler üzerinde nasıl etkili olduklarını birlikte keşfedeceğiz.
Konu ile ilgili diğer videolar için "Antik Medeniyetler ve Antik Uzaylılar" oynatma listesini inceleyebilirsiniz.
0:00 Giriş
0:49 Anunnaki Teorisi Nasıl Doğdu
6:15 İnsanların Yaratılışı ve Mitler
19:40 Anunnakilerin Dinlere Etkisi
43:00 Anuunakilerin Günümüz Yönetimine Etkisi
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Music by by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
#belgesel #tarih #gizemliolaylar #anunnaki #uzaylılar
Zackaria Sitchin's "The Lost Book of Enki" comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki's species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day. Moreover, the Prologue, titled "Attestation of Endubsar," recounts the tale of a scribe summoned by Enki himself to transcribe Enki's testimony onto clay tablets. This narrative unfolds as the authentic story of mankind, revealing a hidden and forbidden lost history on earth.
PLEASE NOTE: The royal families of the Atlantean Anunnaki, who governed the civilization of Nibiru and later earth, were hybrids with Lyran Sirian and Draconian Royal ancestry. They typically stood between 8 and 14 feet tall, possessed large heads, muscular builds, and featured a blend of mainly African, Asiatic, Albino, & Indo-European facial characteristics. Their skin tones ranged from non-melanin to full melanin with a spectrum of colors, and they often had 6 fingers, pointed ears or ears resembling those of cats. These beings engaged in intermarriage with various extraterrestrial races from different planets, resulting in the formation of distinct royal houses.
The content of this film does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the channel, its affiliates, or assert that the portrayals of characters and scenes are entirely accurate or without flaws.
Compendium of Emerald Tablets:
Alex Collier, Defending Sacred Ground, 1997
Adapted from D'Oreal of Emerald Tablets, 1930
-UFO, Ancient Texts such As Egyptian Book of Dead & Ancient Civilizations Communities
-Elena Daanan, Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Bob Lazar, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Akashic Records & Much More.
#Gaia #WeAreANonReligiousChannel #Christconciousness #ancienthistory
ANNUNAKI ROYALS USED AVATARS: The Annunaki royals transferred their consciousness into various premade bodies which shows why human beings are genetically marked by them. For researchers and enthusiasts looking to find specific references mentioning these the historical and science resources please refer to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), and the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD) are invaluable. These databases offer transliterations, translations, and discussions of thousands of Sumerian texts, providing a searchable resource for specific terms and their occurrences. The Anninaki
00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue
10:19 Tablet 1
29:00 Tablet 2
37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat
45:48 Tablet 3
59:23 Tablet 4
1:19:30 Tablet 5
References & Connected Accounts:
-Lost Book Of Enki:
-The Book Of Adam:
-Compendium Of Emerald Tablets:
-Book of Enoch:
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This copyright disclaimer serves as a notice to the public and potential infringers that Astral Legends Film and TV Company is committed to protecting its intellectual property. We reserve the right to take legal action against individuals or entities found to be in violation of our copyrights.
🔮 Unveiling Ancient Mysteries: Demons and Anunnaki in Babylonian, Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Cypriot Religions 🔮
#documentary #Demons #Anunnaki
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:52 - The Anunnaki
00:51:28 - The Proto Indo-European Religion
01:30:00 - African Religion
02:30:48 - Sumerian Roots of the Bible
03:01:37 - Sumerian Demons
03:31:15 - The OLDEST God Alive
04:22:07 - Genesis' Origins
04:49:37 - Origins of Cyprus
05:34:41 - Origins of Greece
06:20:23 - Origins of Rome
Welcome to a mesmerizing journey through the annals of time, where ancient civilizations thrived and their captivating beliefs continue to mystify us today! In this thought-provoking video, we delve deep into the realms of old religions, exploring the fascinating connection between demons and Anunnaki across six extraordinary cultures.
🌍 Discover the Enigmatic Deities:
Join us as we embark on an exploration of the spiritual realms of Babylon, Sumeria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Cyprus. From the formidable Marduk of Babylon to the enigmatic Anubis of Egypt, and the powerful Zeus of Greece, we'll unravel the rich tapestry of ancient beliefs that shaped these captivating civilizations.
👹 Unraveling the Demonic Entities:
Prepare to be intrigued as we delve into the darker corners of ancient faiths, where demons and malevolent spirits held sway over mortal lives. Unearth stories of cunning demons, mischievous tricksters, and fearsome creatures that fascinated and terrified our ancestors.
👾 The Anunnaki Enigma:
Enter the world of the Anunnaki, the extraterrestrial deities of Sumerian mythology. Uncover the theories surrounding their otherworldly origins, their influence on human history, and their role as divine overseers in the epic tale of creation.
🔥 Legends and Lore:
From the mythical beasts of Greek and Roman mythology to the protective spirits of Cyprus, we'll delve into captivating legends and enduring folklore that continue to captivate the imagination. Be prepared to be entranced by stories that have been passed down through generations.
📜 A Tapestry of Beliefs:
Witness the convergence of cultures and the intricate interplay of beliefs as we explore the connections between these ancient civilizations. Gain insights into the ways in which these diverse societies envisioned their gods, demons, and cosmic forces.
Join us on this extraordinary expedition through time and space as we unravel the secrets of ancient religions and their profound impact on our understanding of the spiritual world. Like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to ensure you don't miss out on this illuminating adventure into the mystic past!
🔔 Stay tuned for more captivating explorations of history, mythology, and the wonders of the human experience! 🔔
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In this Book, Paul documents the links within the Sumerian creation account: The word Annunaki, he explains, means “Those who came from the heavens to Earth,” a phrase that made clear their extraterrestrial origins.
Many of the world’s oldest mythologies claim that governance over human society began with dominance over human beings being established by superior beings or “gods.” And then the job of rulership gets handed over at a later stage to human governors or Kings..
The Bible originated from the ancient Sumerian text. Text found with the same story. Pre-dating the Biblical accounts by thousands of years. Documenting Ancient Aliens.
The Sumerian story begins with the rulers coming down from the heavens. And the glyph for these rulers is a symbol pointing to the sky! The Annunaki were from the heavens. They were sky people! - WHY ARE WE HERE? A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story | Full Documentary
We know this information can be alot to take in.. If you want some help to De-Stress... Check out our NEW Mind & Body Relaxation Channel Guided Meditation, Scripted and read by Mr. Paul Wallis
@GreggBradenOfficial In this double feature special video, Coast to Coast AM's George Noory and Jason Martell delve into Planet X's close encounter with Earth, ancient Sumerian legends, and the Annunaki, followed by a rare Q&A with Zecharia Sitchin. One question remains central to this mysterious topic that has baffled academics and researchers alike: Will the Anunnaki return?
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This video is the remake of my original Anunnaki Movie 3. Contrary to what many think, this video was not made by artificial intelligence. The script, editing, image creation, and everything else was done by me, Lucas M. Kern, content creator of the Anunnaki Ancient Mystery channel. Connect to a television and prepare to watch an alternative view of the ancient history of human civilization.
Music by Envato Elements and InAudio
Images and videos: created on MidJourney and Envato Elements
Script and edition: Lucas Martins Kern
00:00 - Anunnaki tablet 10
45:53 - Anunnaki tablet 11
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🤔 Are you new to the subject? Navigate trought this list to understand the basics about the Anunnaki -
✍️ Study the real mesopotamian tablets and take your own conclusions -
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Welcome to another episode of Ring Them Bells.
We exist to help you recover the Bible on its own terms. We found that the supernatural focus of the Bible has been suppressed and we’re bringing that back into the light with interviews and content from great scholars like NT Wright Tim Mackie of the BibleProject and our featured scholar today Dr Michael Heiser. Joe Rogan constantly sites Zechariah Chen’s work as trustworthy and invaluable to understanding all of human history. Our resident scholar Dr. Michael Heiser did quite a bit of work studying through the claims of Zechariah work and I am excited to let you see what he found.
@joerogan @DRMSH @bibleproject @ReubenEvans @blurrycreatures @SundayCoolTees
#joerogan #enoch #biblestudy
Links in notes coming soon----
1) Heiser reversing Hermon-
The Anunnaki Arrived On Planet Earth And Scientists Finally Discovered Why
Subscribe To Life's Biggest Questions:
Delve into the captivating world of ancient astronaut theories with Billy Carson as we unravel the mysteries surrounding the Anunnaki and their relentless pursuit of gold on Earth. Discover why their home planet, Nibiru, desperately needed this precious metal, as revealed in Zecharia Sitchin's interpretations of Sumerian texts. This video takes you deep into the Anunnaki's gold mining operations in the ancient Barberton Greenstone Belt and explores the controversial "Adamu" experiment, where they allegedly engineered Homo sapiens for labor. Uncover the theory that the Anunnaki allowed humans to slowly mine gold over millennia and the intriguing possibility that modern governments might be secretly collecting it for their return. We'll also examine Randall Carlson's repeating cataclysm theory, comparing it to the potential disturbances caused by Nibiru's periodic approach to Earth. Prepare to have your mind blown as we connect ancient myths, geological evidence, and cosmic events in this groundbreaking exploration of Earth's hidden history.
#annunaki #anunnaki #nibiru #history #planetx #earth #discovery #gold #theories #lifesbiggestquestions #lbq
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Continue the Third Installment of Zackaria Sitchin's "The Lost Book of Enki" which comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki's species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day.
Please note: The royal families of the Atlantean Anunnaki, who governed the civilization of Nibiru and later earth, were hybrids with Lyran Sirian and Draconian Royal ancestry. They typically stood between 8 and 14 feet tall, possessed large heads, muscular builds, and featured a blend of mainly African, Asiatic, Albino, & Indo-European facial characteristics. Their skin tones ranged from non-melanin to full melanin with a spectrum of colors, and they often had 6 fingers, pointed ears or ears resembling those of cats. These beings engaged in intermarriage with various extraterrestrial races from different planets, resulting in the formation of distinct royal houses.
The content of this film does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the channel, its affiliates, or assert that the portrayals of characters and scenes are entirely accurate or without flaws.
Sitchin's Earth Chronicles
Transcribed from Ancient Sumerian Tablets Translated by George Smith
Amazon Link
Purchase and Read Sitchin's Lost Book of Enki
Amazon Link
Terra Papers by Morning Sky
Amazon Link
Compendium of Emerald Tablets
Amazon Link
Alex Collier - Defending Sacred Ground (1997)
Adapted from D'Oreal of Emerald Tablets, 1930
Additional Sources and Influences:
UFOs, Ancient Texts such as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and Ancient Civilizations' Communities
Elena Daanan, Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Bob Lazar, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Ancient Aliens, Akashic Records, and Much More.
For Researchers:
For those seeking further references and scientific resources, the following databases are recommended:
Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL): Link
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): Link
Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD): Link
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Copyright Disclaimer:
Astral Legends Film and TV Company retains all rights to its copyrighted materials. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is subject to legal action. For more information, please refer to our copyright disclaimer.
00:00 Introduction
01:20 Enki Has A Dream
03:38 Enki Speaks To Zisudra
07:55 The Great Flood
14:20 The Annunaki Return After Flood
20:05 Annunaki Turn Mud Into A Kingdom
26:02 Thoth Builds The Pyramids In Ancient Kemet
34:22 The Old Kingdom of Kemet - Demi-gods of Egypt
36:00 Osiris & Seth (Sons of Amun Ra)
40:00 Horus Vs Set
44:40 The Lost Story of Ianna & Dumuzi
50:51 Death of Great Dumuzi Son of Enki
53:20 Ianna's Death & Resurrection
55:00 Wars of Gods/Extraterrestrials
1:02:25 Thoth Rescues Marduk (Amun Ra)
1:06:23 Ninurta Becomes God Of Israel (Son of Enlil)
1:11:32 Anu & Antu Visit Earth
1:21:00 Anu Forgives Marduk (Amun Ra)
1:25:00 Sumerian Civilization Begins
1:29:00 Ianna Steals The Human Template Codes
1:32:00 Marduk Becomes God Of Babylon
1:36:18 Amun Ra (Marduk) Vs Ningishzidda (Thoth)
1:41:00 God Territory's & Genetic Markers Begin
1:45:00 The Epic Of Gilgamesh
1:50:00 Enlil Has A Dream
1:53:00 Amun Ra Becomes God Of Egypt
1:59:00 Enki Creates The Tablets of Enki
This video is the remake of my original Anunnaki Movie 4. Contrary to what many think, this video was not made by artificial intelligence. The script, editing, image creation, and everything else was done by me, Lucas M. Kern, content creator of the Anunnaki Ancient Mystery channel. Connect to a television and prepare to watch an alternative view of the ancient history of human civilization.
Music by Envato Elements and InAudio
Images and videos: created on MidJourney and Envato Elements
Script and edition: Lucas Martins Kern
00:00 - Anunnaki tablet 12
45:44 - Anunnaki tablet 13
01:30:16 - Anunnaki tablet 14
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✍️ Study the real mesopotamian tablets and take your own conclusions -
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Please don't be bothered if I take a while to respond...
🧑 If you want to see who the content creator is and why I use an electronic voice, watch this video:
What path did the ancient gods known as the Anunnaki follow until the historical moment when Yahweh appears in history?
The Anunnaki, whose name means "those who from heaven to earth came", or "those of royal blood," in the ancient Sumerian language, were the deities of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, such as the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. They were believed to be the divine beings who descended to Earth to civilize mankind, teaching them agriculture, writing, science, and more. The Anunnaki were central to these ancient cultures, much like Yahweh is central to the biblical narrative.
The oldest mention of Yahweh was attributed to the Moabite Stone, an ancient inscribed stone that dates back to around 840 BCE. This stone created significant excitement as it was the first non-biblical inscription mentioning Yahweh. The inscription tells the story of King Mesha of Moab, who revolted against the Kingdom of Israel, and attributes his victories to the god Chemosh while recognizing Yahweh as the god of his enemies.
The connection between Yahweh and the Anunnaki is not a straightforward one. It is a complex web of ancient stories, archaeological findings, and theological interpretations. However, the possibility that Yahweh could have been influenced by or even originated from the Anunnaki provides a new perspective on the biblical narrative. It suggests that the story of Yahweh and the Israelites is part of a larger narrative that encompasses the ancient Near East and its diverse cultures and religions.
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🤔 Are you new to the subject? Navigate trought this list to understand the basics about the Anunnaki -
✍️ Study the real mesopotamian tablets and take your own conclusions -
📧 If you wish, you can send me an email at:
Please don't be bothered if I take a while to respond...
🧑 If you want to see who the content creator is and why I use an electronic voice, watch this video:
Scientists Discovered The Last Anunnaki King Inside A Tomb And They Are Scared
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In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have uncovered the last Anunnaki king, also known as Gilgamesh, and the implications of this find have left them in shock. Join us as we delve into the secret and mysterious world of the Anunnaki and the consequences of this epic discovery in the field of ancient civilizations. This is a must-watch for all fans of Graham Hancock and anyone interested in uncovering the truth about our past. Don't miss out on this incredible moment in history.
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You are in for a BIG treat: In this video, explore the mysterious Sumerian King List as Gregg Braden questions the kings' longevity. Discover the Garden of Eden's lost story, and learn about the Annunaki's secrets with William Henry. Finally, enjoy a rare lecture by Zecharia Sitchin.
Courtesy of Gaia: Watch Gregg Barden in Gaia's brand-new Series "Divine Science" here A series where visionary leaders explore human potential, unseen phenomena, and nature's gifts to awaken higher consciousness.
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Scientists Discovered An Ancient King Inside A Tomb In A Cave And They Are Scared
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Scientists recently made a startling discovery of an ancient Anunnaki king inside a tomb in a cave. This finding has left expert researchers both excited and scared as they uncover the mysteries of the past. Learn more about this incredible find and the implications it could have on our understanding of history with added insights from Graham Hancock. Stick around and learn about the ancient Sumerians and the lost tablets that showcase outer worldly kings who ruled for centuries. Was Gilgamesh a human king or something greater?
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Annunaki - 450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed.
2017. Philip Gardener
**This film is under license from Vision Films Inc. All rights reserved**
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